I find myself at a completely staggering stage in life that I accept whole heartily. These past few weeks have been quite interesting and life changing. [I'll give you the 'GOOSE' as I see fit. lol] So, everyone has an "Inner Circle" of friends whom they love, cherish, consider family even. My group, the core people I've spent countless hours with these past three years, are rapidly beginning to dissipate from my life. [don't feel sorry, I don't.]
Who knows, there could be a plethora of reasons. The fact that some have graduated? Maybe the time allotted for us to be away from each other has made us grown apart... I think it has to do with what I like to call [growing pains] contrary to popular belief they're a good thing. These days I get disgusted so easily by friends who display no couth, ignorance and especially negativity. [i throw up negativity and throw it away!]
Remember the good old days? the late night conversations, intense arguments, movie nights and dreams of how we [three] would be together forever? at each others wedding and completely immune to the tiffs and taffs of any other friendships not able to withstand [the college years?]
well.... those days are long gone. Surprisingly, I feel better than ever; completely comfortable with the fact that were "beefing" [as they say] or don't speak everyday or at all [to some.]
maybe because back then I was desperate for friendship? longing for acceptance? ignorant to the fact that I too was "worthy" of male accompaniment? Perhaps their are other things to talk about besides you?
either way... I am in a place of peace. [thank you God] I've found peace and a (piece) of mind. [shout outs to L. Boogie.] Although I'll never stop loving you [y'all because lord knows its more than one.] I've realized to be wary of people. Not because their bad friends, or don't care about you; but because if your not careful they can [STUNT] your growth. Not only that, but your spirit becomes vexed and overwhelmed.
With what?
the constant gossip or venomous poisons being spread about [everyone]? being the "chosen friend" responsible for all the secrets and boyfriend/girlfriend drama? worrying that if I'm somehow not available or don't answer your call will i be cast into exile unworthy of being [YOUR] friend?
idk... but one thing I can say; [LESSON LEARNED]
hoping to hear from you soon.
later days.
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