Friday, December 10, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
"if you cant change the people around you, change the people around you!"
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Thank You... Later?
Sunday, August 1, 2010
DREAM beyond BELiEF!

Friday, July 16, 2010
Give My Regards to Broadway!
After much consideration I've decided to slightly refocus the direction of this blog. Its always been about inspiration first and foremost but I often find trouble extracting subject matter. Its hard to figure out what to talk about and by the time i do, the information is exhausted and I have become bored with it completely. Therefore, a very inspiring distinguished brother of mine @KeithNjohnsonjr [follow him] suggested I blog about what inspires me everyday, that is just what I plan to do. That being said, I recently came across an article about theatre informing that Will and Jada are considering starring as Stanley and Stella in next years Broadway revival of Tennesse Williams's "A Streetcar Named Desire"
[An actor craving stage couldn't ask for much more inspiration.] There are so many things to be excited about!
The all-black cast of 'Cat on a Hot Tin Roof' takes a bow. Below from left Laurence Fishburne , the star of 'Thurgood,' Stew from 'Passing Strange' and Morgan Freeman , who stars in 'The Country Girl.'
(AP Photos)
“Cat” brought in more than 12 million dollars making it one of the highest grossing shows on broadway. [Seeing that show on broadway was INCREDIBLE]
Most recently with August Wilson’s Fences [the first play of my college career in 2006] Denzel Washington has created what folks are calling “the Denzel Effect” Fences brought about 3 million dollars to Broadway’s Box Office. More and more A listers are now yearning for powerful world of Broadway with Halle Berry and Samuel L. Jackson set to perform in a play about Dr. Martin Luther King.
After sharing this news with my immediate circle of thespians [NSU Players] We decided to cast the show. [which got me thinking] Most immediately, with the hope that such brilliant African American A list Actors [hows that for Alliteration!] wont completely destroy or overshadow the work of those Black Actors whose sole passion is the stage of Broadway. [not unlike myself] With casting in mind, I began trying to research Black Actors who have previously worked on Broadway hoping to become more familiar with stage actors; however, it was harder than I thought. [Specifically because Wikipedia does not have a search for that] I have done a lot of research and I’m still stomped. We have debated on prominant A listers such as Taraji, Jada, Kimberly Elise and have not been able to decide on a cohesive cast yet. [let me know who you would like to see do it] If only I were a fly on the wall of the casting directors office, but with things far from being concrete who knows, maybe I will be by the time the audition process begins. [one can dream]
I pray you be inspired and continue to not only chase your dreams and purpose, but fufill the potential God has provided you with.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
A Slightly Embellished Dream... HelloGoodmorning
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
To Whom it May Concern
To Whom it May Concern:
I hope this finds you in good spirits as the beauty of this day begins. My name is Keith Collins, I live in Newport News, Va. Currently I am a senior at Norfolk State University majoring in English and Theatre Performance. I write you now because I find myself at a complete stand still in my life. I no longer wish to be in college, truth be told I never wanted to go.I feel the longer I stay in VA the more my dreams begin to suffocate. I know you of all people know a thing or two about dreams;one of the reasons I decided to write you.
[this is where i would mention knowing my friend and her fondness for working with said individual upon her approval.]
My dream has always been to move to NY and capitalize on my talent in perhaps the most dream driven city in the world. New York's livelihood and vigor enriches my spirit in ways no other place can; the hustle and bustle is inspiring, and the creativity, passion, and potential that city invites are unchartered anywhere else in the world.
That being said, it is my hope that you would extend a helping hand my way. I am not asking for a handout or anything for free, just the opportunity for experience in a business and industry you know all too well. I am outgoing, intelligent, and capable of anything. I am creative, I'm a writer, reader, thinker, and dreamer.
In a world as selfish and self-centered as the one we live, It is not everyday we connect with a spirit as humble as yours through media. whether it be television, radio, twitter or facebook. Your name, [insert said name] has always been synonymous with humility. I thank you for showing such grace, poise, and class as your spirit continues to contribute to the world and hearts and minds of people everywhere.
wishing you love and hoping to hear from you soon,
P E A C E .