Monday, August 16, 2010

"if you cant change the people around you, change the people around you!"

I came across this quote a few years ago at school. I always knew what it meant but often it carried a negative connotation. Realizing and fearing [in some instances] the guilt of having to trade in those close to you because they may be unable to acquiesce certain values, loyalty, or respect you may require in a friendship or any form of relationship between two people [for that matter.] But not until recently [especially tonight] have I been so thrilled, eager, honored, ecstatic, or exuberant to let the anchors of my sinking ship go [sink or swim] giving me the opportunity to soar to the top amidst few. It is SO very important [imperative] to be aware [beware] of the company you keep, especially in regards to your profession [dreams] I'm an actor, I dream lavishly and always [ALWAYS] hone my craft. #noexceptions. Participating in theatre at Norfolk State University, a small guild, made my ties to those who shared my passion [allegedly] tight and heart found. However, the more I grow and develop my craft, I notice a lack of such, [regardless of the reason] in others around me. I'm no one to say that they don't wish to fulfill their dream as badly as I or lack talent, [NEVER count anyone out.] Their efforts are just lackadaisical. [which can be detrimental to personal growth!] anything not growing is dead, and we all know what happens in stagnant water, [i digress]

Thankfully, I have indeed managed to make bonds, ties, connections with extremely dedicated people who never cease to amaze, inspire, encourage, surprise, mold, and teach me some of the most important and valuable lessons I could ever wish to experience. [Most Personally] @celitheactress [mi hermana] and @msklassychassy I don't believe in exploitation or gimmicks so id rather not speak on personal endeavors of either [they will tell you for themselves] just know that implementing like minded, dedicated, driven, and focused individuals into your circle will keep you amid the clouds soaring with eagles and out of sight and mind of buzzards [REAL TALK] these women have a hustle like no one in this world! they are unapologetic, unimpressed or intimidated by anyone around them. They know about power of dreams, the words you release, and reality of this industry. But more importantly, they attain the necessary skills to take them the places they wish to go [not unlike myself] They make powerful, bold, moves, and know without a shadow of doubt their intended purpose and intentions in life.
Lets take a second and release the dead weight we carry and release them; not only for their benefit, but our own. TWITTER has also given me the opportunity to gain new insight from even more people who share the same ambitions as me. [I've checked the credits and weeded through those with twitter personalities] so stop following your friends, overzealous personalties, and gossipers and get some cultured perspective. you'll feel better! SERIOUSLY, realize your potential in this world and invest boldly in it by shifting those around you who do nothing to help in ascertaining your dreams victoriously! at least, review your friendships, determine their worth, and decide what is best for your future.



  1. Mi Hermano, it is truly a blessing to have a friend like you in my life. Watching you grow has been an amazing journey. I remember those days when letting go for you was so hard to do. I knew in your own time you would see the light to whom was worth your time and company. Not to be above anyone but just to understand that toxic relationships can be a detriment to your growth and development. I love you and I will always be here to support.


  2. jus happened to run across this post & it's SO true...we follow each other on twitter, i don't think we've ever spoken tho... @enigmatic82
